Std 4 EVS [Lesson 4 wonder world of birds]

Lesson 4

wonder world of birds

1)Mention the names of birds seen in your locality?

Ans) Crow, Parrot, duck, hen, Penguin 

2)What are the common characteristics of the birds?

Ans) - have feathers 

          -have beak 

          -lay eggs 

          -has wings 

3)Observe the surroundings and make a short note about the birds in our surroundings 


Crow is the most familiar bird of Indian towns and villages.Has no particular food preferences will eat almost anything.

         There are two types of crows in our surroundings. House crow[pena kakka] and jungle crow[beli kakka]. Grey neck and smaller size distinguish House crow from the all black jungle crow. Belikakka's whole body is shining black in color.Size of the beak and body is larger than House crow.

4)Where do birds build nest?

Ans) In holes on the tree trunks,on the branches of trees,in old buildings and houses,at the tip of palm leaves,in burrows.

5)Why do birds built nest?

Ans) Lay eggs,take rest,to feed their young ones,to escape from heat and cold.

6)Write about the bord cockoo 

Ans) The cockoo does not build a nest and look after it's young ones.It lays eggs in the crow's nest.It's sound is very sweet.

7)What are the materials that the birds use to make it's nest?

Ans)Coconut  fibre,cotton,leaves,feathers,twigs,pebbles,mud.




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