std 3 Maths SCERT [Lesson 8 Measure and Tell]

 Lesson 8

Measure and Tell


*Length of objects or distances are measured using different units of length.

*Non-standard units

of length are Span, Foot and Cubit [length of body parts]  Non-standard units of length differ from person to person or from object to object.

*Standard units of length are Centimetre, metre and kilometre.Standard units of length do not change.

*We measure the length of pencil, book etc are measure in centimetre.

Length of table, bench etc are measure in metre.

Very long distance such as distance between two towns

are measure in Kilometre.

Metre Scale

An instrument name for measuring length metre Scale. Metre Scale is long wooden metalic rod of fixed length. It is devided into 100 equal parts. Each part is called Centimetre.



Relation between metre ,Centimetre and kilometre.

*we use 

cm for centimetre

m for metre

km  for kilometre

100cm = 1 metre

50cm = 1/2 metre

1000 m = 1 kilometre

Activity 1

*Draw a line 9cm
*Drawa line  11cm

Activity 2[classify the things their length] 

Cm into metre.]

Activity4[convert metre into Centimetre]

Do these pages activity in your textbook[page 127,128,129,130,131,
132, 133]


1.1st purchased length

             of curtain=16m50cm

2nd purchased length

             of curtain=3m75cm

Total length=16m 50cm+




2 . Length of blue

                 ribbon = 12m60cm

Length of white

                 ribbon = 8m40cm

Total length=12m60cm+




price of 1 metre = 12RS

:. Total Price of 21m=21X12









1.Length of rope= 16m25cm

Length of cutting

                    piece = 5m75cm

Length of remaining

                   piece = 16m25cm +


                                   10m 50cm

2.Length of a saree = 6 1/2 m


1/2 m=50cm

6 1/2 m = 650cm

length of cutout for

                  a blouse=80cm

:.remaining length or saree

                  650-80 =570  

570cm = 5m70cm

3.Length of iron rod=8m

Length of one piece = 50cm

                 50cm = 1/2 m

From 1m rod we can

2 pieces

From 2m rod we can

 4 pieces

From 4m rod we can

8 pieces

From 8m rod we can

16 pieces

4. In one lap 200m

    In two lap 400m

    In three lap 600m

   In four  lap 800m

No. of laps=4



*Quantity or amount of liquid [water, milk, oil] in a vessel or container is called volume.

*Standard units of measuring volume: Litre and millilitre. Litre is the standard unit of capacity. It is denoted "l".   Millilitre is a small unit of capacity. It is denoted be "ml".

*1 litre =1000 millilitre


       1 l = 1000ml

*Half litre = 500 millilitre


           1/2 l = 500ml


     1.400ml +500ml =900ml

2.boy sold milk=1l

girl sold milk=500ml +




                         1500ml = 1 1/2 l

milk sold in both houses are not same

3. Capacity of Vinu's

     water bottle=550ml

Capacity of Shan's

water bottle=550+250=800ml

Total Capacity of two water

bottles = 550+800=1350ml

1350ml = 1l 350ml

1.Quantity of milk for 


Quantity of milk for

       payasam=15 l 500ml

Total Quantity 

            of milk=4 l500ml    +

                          15 l500ml


                           20 l  00ml

             20 litre

 Price of one litre


Price of 20 litre


         720 Rs

2.Quantity of milk milked in the   morning=8Litre

Quantity of milk milked in the evening = 5 Litre

Total quantity of

                 milk=8+5=13 Litre

wage for milking

one Litre = 6RS

wage for milking

13 Litre = 13X6=78RS

Quantity of milk sold

in the morning=6 l 700ml

Quantity of milk sold 

in the evening = 3 l 800ml

Total Quantity of milk sold in one day=6I700ml +




1.Kerosene contained

     in a can=4l500ml

Kerosene used to fill 

in the stove=2l  150ml

kerosene left in

the can=4l 500ml-2 l 150ml

           2I 350ml

2.Total quantity of

          paint=13I 500ml

Quantity of paint

used in 1st day=6l

Quantity of paint

used in 2nd day=5l 500ml

Total Quantity of paintused in two days = 6l+5I500ml


Honey P-141

All bottles are equal. First he filled to bottles of he also filled 10 bottles of 100ml and 200ml




3500ml = 3l 500ml

Do this page👇




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