Std 4 EVS SCERT [ Filed and forest]

Lesson 1 

Field and Forest

1. What is 


*An organism has 


 peculiarities that 

help it to live in its 

dwelling place. This 

is called adaptation.

2. Adaptation of a 


*boat shaped body 

[enables the fish to 

move through 


*fins and tails[help 

the fish to swim in 


*gills[help to 

breathe ]

*slimy body [help 

the fish to escape 

from enemies]

3. Adaptation of a 


*slimy body

*oar like legs

*webbed feet

*thick and strong 

outer shell

*limbs help to move 

on land

4. Adaptation of a 


*slimy body

*oar like legs

*webbed feet

*bulging eyes

*long and strong 


*help to breathe skin

 and nostrills

5. Adaptation of a 


*Oily feathers

*webbed feet

* flat beaks

6. Adaptation of a


*long tail

*suitable body shape

*slimy body and sharp teeth

* legs suited to walk on land

7. Adaptation of strock


*long leg and long neck

*long and pointed beak

8. Adaptation of snake

*greasy body to move water

*scales help to move land

9. Adaptation of a squirrel

*sharp nails help to climbing tree.

*Colour suitable to escape from enemies.

10. Adaptation of woodpecker

*Nailed legs that help to climb on trees.

*Thick and strong beak

11. Adaptation of Cormorant [നീർ കാക്ക]

*Oily feathers

*flexible neck

*webbed feet

12. Adaptation of Otter

* Thick water proof fur

*webbed feet

*excellent  eye sight

* long whiskers

13. What are the adaptation that the water lily and lotus?

*don't decay in water

* leaves flots on the water

* leaf stalk is long

*wax like covering on leaves

*air chambers in leaves and stem

14. Some water 

plants like Pistia, 

Salvinia etc. have 

no long roots. But 

they float on water 

surface Why?

* They have small 

leaves and their 

roots hanging in the

 water. Roots can 

absorb essential 

nutrients from 

water surface.

15. Difference 


tortoise and turtle


16. Name the 

creatures that can 

move on Iand and in


*frog, Crab, 

crocodile, duck, 

newt, salmander, 

newt, caecilion etc

17.what is 


*Amphibians are  creatures that it have small vertebrate which complete their life  cycle in water and  on land. 


18. How can a frog

 live in water and in


*When in watera 

frog breathes 

through it's skin. 

When on land, it 

breaths through 


 19.Name some 

aquatic plants?





20.write the name of

 organisms that can 

be seen in the 



21. What is habitat?

* The natural 

shelter of an 

organism is called 


22. Name some 

organisms that live

 in banyan tree

* birds



*monkey etc

23. What are the 

benefits that the 

organisms get from 




*pure air

*resting place to 

birds and animals



*make the soil fertile

*retain water in soil


24. Name some 

organisms that live

 in the soil

* earthworm






* plnts

*trees  etc

25 . What are biotic 


*Living things are 

called biotic factor

ex: Plants, animals

26. What are abiotic


*Non living things 

are called abiotic 


ex: water, soil, sunlight, air etc.

27. How do biotic 

and abiotic factors

 depend on the each 


* Plants and animals need air for breathing

*Plants and animals cannot live without water.

*Plants cannot grow without sunlight

*plants anchor the earth because of soil.

* All animals and Plants could exist in the earth beacause on the help of the abiotic factor

28. Make a table 

biotic and abiotic 

factor interdepence


29. What is 


*An ecosystems 

includes the 

mutually defendent 

biotic and abiotic 

factors of a 

particular place.

30. All organisms

 need certain factors

 to live. Which are 

they ?

• AIR 

All these are abiotic factors

31. Write the example for ecosystem

* pond





scared groves [Kavukal] etc

32. Why forest looks 

so beautiful?


33. How is the forest 

useful to us and 

other organism?

*Rivers orginate from forest

* variety of plants 

and animals are 

present in forest

* forest helps to get rain

* Provide coolness

* We get variety 

useful things from 


* We get plenty of 

pure air from the 


34. What are the demerits of  destruction of ecosystem?

*Organisms lost their habitat

*destruction of water resources

* Extinction of organisms

35.what are the 

different activities 

of man that destroys

 the ecosystem?



*Excessive use of 


*Dumping of plastic 

waste in the Soil and


*Reclamation of 

paddy fields

36.what are the 


of  deforestion?

*Deforestation will 

lead to 

the destruction 

of plants 

and animals. It 

reduces rainfall

37. What are the 

harmful effects of 

demolition of hill 

and forest?

*Animals lose their home

*Plants perish

*streams dry

*water scarcity 


*natural calmities 


38.What are the 

activities that we 

can do protect our 


• Make a medicinal plant garden

• Make a flower garden 

• Make an eco park 

• Creating environmental awareness

• Reduce the use of plastic materials

• The use of paper bag and ink pens

• Making posters and leaflets

• Cleaning the environment

• Conservation of water




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