std 4 EVS SCERT [Lesson 6 Up above the sky]

 Lesson 6

Up above the sky [1st day-4/2/2021]

1.why is the moon light not hot?

*The sun is a star that gives out heat and light of its own. But moon can't do that. It only reflects the sunlight that falls on it.

2What is a star?

*stars are heavenly bodies that shine in the sky.

3.Sun is a ------


4.--------is a star that gives out light of its own.

*The sun

5.What is a planet?

*Planets are heavenly bodies in the sky that revolve around the sun along a definite path.

6.Name the planets in Solar System.

*Mercury, Venus, Earth,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

7.What is Satellite?

*Satellite are heavenly bodies that revolve around planets.

8.-------is the only satellite of the earth.

*The moon

9.what is rotation?

*The spinning of the earth on its own axis is called rotation.

10.What is revolution?

*The movement of earth around the sun is called revolution.

11. How do occur day and night in the earth?

*As the earth rotes on its axis, and the part of the earth on which sunlight falls experiences day and other part experiences night.

12.What is meant by a day?

*The earth takes 24 hours to complete one rotation. This period is called a day.

13.What is meant by one year?

*The earth takes 

365 1/4 days to complete one revolution. This period is called a year. 

Rotation and Revolution video👇

14.Do this activity

[Page 62]

2nd day [ 10/2/2021]

15.why is the moon fully bright on some nights and not see on other nights?

*Moon reflects the sunlight. Due to the revolution of the moon around the earth, we cannot see the moon fully every day.

16. New Moon day [Amavasi] കറുത്തവാവ്

* The moon is not seen at all when the part of the moon that does not get sunlight faces the earth. This day is called new moon day.

17.Full moon day

[Pournami ] 

വെളുത്ത വാവ്

*The day on which the illuminated part of the moonis fully visible from the earthis called full moon day.

18. How many days are there between one full moon day and the next one?

*There is 28 days in between one full moon day and the next full moon day.

19. How many days are there between one new moon day and the next one?

*There are 28 days in between one new moon

day and the next new moonday.

20. How many days are there between one new moon day and the next full moon day?

*There is 14 days in between one new moon day and the next full moon day

3rd day[18/2/2021]

21. What is Lunar phase or Moon phase?
[വൃദ്ധിക്ഷയം ]

*The moon phase or Lunar phase is the shape of the moon's directly sunlight portions as viewed from Earth.

22.what is waxing phase?[വൃദ്ധി ]

*On the moon's journey from new moon to full moon, we see a growing portions of its illuminated half, and this called the waxing phases. [waxing means growing or increasing]

23.what is waning phase?[ക്ഷയം ]

*As the moon then goes from full moon to new moon, we see a diminishing portions of its illuminated half, and this is called waning phase.[waning means decreasing]

24. How is the surface in the moon?

*full of rocks, pits and hills

25. The distance from earth to moon is ------

*384403 km

26. How much time did the moon take to one rotation?

*27.3 days

27. How much time did the moon to take one revolution around the earth?

*27.3 days

28. From the earth we can see only one part of the moon? Why?

*Because the moon take same time for one rotation and revolution around the earth.
[synchronous rotation]

29.High tide and
 Low tide

*Tides are the rise and fall of sea levels caused by the combined effects of the gravitational forces exerted by Moon and Sun, and the rotation of Earth.

30. what is an eclipse?

*An eclipse takes place when a celestial body is
temporarily obscured by another celestial body or its shadow.

31.what is lunar eclipse?

*A lunar eclipse happens when Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon. At this time the Earth's shadow falls on the lunar surface.

32.what is solar eclipse?

*A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves between the Sun and Earth. At this time the moon's shadow falls on the Sun.

33.why not an eclipse at every full and new Moon?

*The moon's orbit is inclined to Earth's orbit by about 5 degrees.

34. Lunar eclipse happens on------day.

*Full Moon day

35. Solar eclipse happens on ------day.

*New Moon day

36. Natural satellite of the earth


37.what is artificial Satellite?

*Artificial Satellites are
made by man and sent
to space for various purpose.

38.what are the uses of artificial Satellite?

.weather forecast
.military, defense activities
.help in preparing map
. Identifying Land resources

39. Which is the first man made object, that reached the moon?

*Luna 2 [in 1959]

40. ---- the American astronaut, was the first man to land on the moon

*Neil Armstrong

41.---- is the space flight that first landed human on the moon.

*Apollo 11

42. Who were the 3 crew members of Apollo 11?

*Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Edwin

43.when did man first land on the moon?

*1969 July 21

44. Moon day is observed on ------

*July 21

45. First Artificaial Satellite of India?


46. which is the first India's lunar space mission?


47.Write the name of artificial satellites launched by India

*Aryabhatta, EDUSAT,


48. India's first education satellite




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