Std 4 EVS [SCERT The Leaf too has to say]
Lesson 2
The Leaf too has to say
1. What are the parts of a plant?
2) How many types of root system? what are they?
*Two types
taproot system, fibrousroot System
3. what is taproot system?
* The taproot system consists of the larger tap root and the smaller branches growing from it
4. what is fibrous root system?
*The fibrous root system includes a cluster of similar roots growing from the base of the stem
5. what are the difference between taproot System and fibrous root system?
6 what is reticulate venation?
*The net work like venation in leaves is called reliculale venation
7. what is Parallel venation?
*The Parallel arrangement of veins in leaves is called Parallel venation
8. What are the difference between reticulatevenation and parallel venation?
Activity 1
Remove the green colour in leaves and make an album
Activity 2
collect and trace different types of leaves
9. Complete the table
10.write the relation between the root system and venation?
*The plants have toproot system also have reticulate venation
*The plants have fibrous root system also have parallel venation
11. write the relation between the root system ,venation and branches of tree
*The plant have taproot system also have reticulate venation and branch tree
*The plant have fibrous root system also have parallel venation and endogen.
12.what is germination?
* Germination is the process by which a new plant grows from a seed
13.Draw the picture of different stages of germination of a seed and write about the stage of germination?
・first the seed fills with water. Then begins the process of germination.
・The part that comes out first from the seed is called radicle
・Radicle grows downwords and change into the root of the plant.
・The part that comes out after the radicle is called plumule
・The plumule grows up and change into the stem of the plant
14. which is the primary factor that help in the germination of seed?
15.which are the two major factors which help in germination of seed?
*water, air
16. what is radicle?
*The part that comes out first from the seed is called radicle
17. What is plumule?
* The part that comes out after the radicle is called plumule.
18. Radicle, Plumule etc are transformed into which part in plants?
*Radicle grows as the root and plamule grows as the stem.
19. What is cotyledon?
* The thick leaf like part seen in the plumule of the germination seed is called cotyledon.
20. How does cotyledons help a plant?
* The plant grows using the food in the cotyledons till prepare its own food.
21. The cotyledons shrink and decrease in the size as the plant grows. Why?
* The plant grows using the food in the cotyledon till it prepares it's own food.
22. What is monocot plant?
*Plants having only one cotyledon are called monocot plant.
23. What is dicot plant?
*plants having two cotyledons are called dicot plants.
24. Now create a table showing the root system, venation and number of cotyledons of the plants you observed
25. Write the relation between the root system, venation and number of cotyledons of plant?
* The plants have taproot system also have reticulate venation and diicotyledons.
*The plants have fibrous root system have parallel venation and mnocotyledons.
25. How can you identify monocot plant?
*Monocot plants stem's outer part is harder than the inner part.
26. How can you identify dicot plant?
*Dicot plants stem's inner part is harder than the outer part.
27. What are the difference between dicot plants and monocot plants?
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