Std 4 EVS (SCERT Lesson 4 Wonder World of Birds)

Lesson 4

Wonder World of Birds

Activity 1 [collect 

the pictures of the 

birds by reading 

given description 

and write their 


*A bird which has 

sharp hooked beak

An) Owl, eagle..etc

*A bird that swims in


An) duck

*A bird which cannot

 fly and lives in cold 


An) Penguin

*A bird which builds

 nest in old buildings

An) Pegion

* The bird has strong

 legs. It scratches the

 ground to get worms

 and grains

An) hen

Activity 2 [while we

 watch birds]

1. What are the 

points to be 

considered in 


* should not cause 

any disturbance to 


* Wear green dress

* Binoculars to be 


*book, Pencil and 

rubber to be taken

* Best times for 

watching are 

between early 

morning up to 11 AM

 and between 3 PM 

till dusk.

2.What are the 

things that we 

should know to 

identify varieties of 


* Their size



*mode of walking, 


* return to nest



* method of flying

*beak, peculiarities 

of the foot

* method of preying

write down your 

observation in your 

environment diary.

Activity 3[Answer the


1. How does birds 

useful to us?

*Preying birds like 

owl and eagle prevent

 the increase of rats.

*help in seed 

* gives us egg and 


* clean the 


*control pest

2. The number of 

birds that are 

beneficial to the 

environment ,is 

decreasing . What 

could be the reasons 

for this?

*excessive use of



* climate change

*Filling up of ponds 

and fields

* infectious diseases

* Hunting

3. Example for an 

endangered species 

of bird


4."Nest for a bird "is 

the project for 



5. Which department

 started the scheme

 "Nest for a bird"?

*Palakkad forest 




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