Std 3 Maths SCERT [Let's takeaway]


Let's Take Away


*When one number is subtracted from another member the Difference is obtained

 *While subtracting, the smaller number (Subtrahend) is taken away from the bigger(Minuend).

*The symbol for subtraction is "ー"


The difference between 857 and 642 is 215 can be as follows 

857      ー     642       = 215

 ⬇                  ⬇                

Minuend       Subtrahend         Difference

The numbers are written  one below the other according to the place value of their digits

*The digits are subtracted starting from the units place.

*Subtraction of numbers may or may not involve regrouping .

*Subtraction can be checked or verified using addition

Difference + Subtrahend=Minuend


8         -        2      =       6

⬇                  ⬇                

Minuend       Subtrahend         Difference  


Different number patterns can be obtained by skip counting backwards

Examples In 10's :

400, 390, 380, 370

In 50's :

850, 800, 750, 700

Subtracting 3-digit numbers without borrowing

Ex : Subtract 627 from 262







Step 1: Subtract the ones

 7 ones- 3 ones = 4 ones

Write 4 in the ones place.

 Step 2: Subtract the tens

8 tens-2 lens = 6 tens

 Write 6 in the tens place.

Step 3: Subtract the hundreds

6 hundreds - 3 hundreds = 3 hundreds

 Write 3 in the hundreds place.

Exercise 1




Subtracting 3 digit numbers with borrowing






Step 1: Subtract the ones

you cannot subtract 7 ones from 8 ones. Borrow 1 ten from 6 tens and change it to 10 ones.

You now have 17 ones


write 9 in the ones  place.

Step 2: Subtact the tens


write 3 in the tens place.

Step 3: Subtract the handreds


Write 3 in the hundreds place.

Exercise 2




Notes with mother

Four 100 rupee note+five 

10 rupee notes 

400+50=450 rupees.

What are the notes given to Anu?

One 100 rupee note and two 10 rupee notes.

 100+ 10 + 10 = 120 

Money left with Anu's mother

Three 100 rupee notes and three 10 rupee notes.

100+ 100+ 100 = 300

 10+ 10 + 10 = 30 

(300 + 30= 330 rupees]

450-120 =330

450 120= 330

India=243 runs

opposite team = 193 runs

:. More runs India

 scored =243-193=50 runs

*Of the 686 grains that the tiny ant collected, he gave 247 to the baby squirrel and 265 to the pretty parrot. How many grains are left with the tiny ant?

Total number of grains given to baby squirrel and pretty parrot 247 +265 = 512

grains left with tiny ant = 586-512 = 174

 Number of boys participated in the Independance day 

rally = 296

Number of girls = 336

Total = 296 +336= 632

Total number of Scouts

and Guides = 186 +117=363

Number of Red cross members= 632 - 363 = 269

Number of persons took food on the first day = 386

Number of persons took food on the second day = 637

 More persons took food on the second day. To know 'how much'?◻ find how much more is 637 than 386.





No. of chairs hired = 1000 

No.of chairs returned = 186 No. of chairs used = 1000-186


[page 44 of the text book]

1)Among the 240 notebooks with the school society, half of them were sold. Find the number of notebooks left.

 *Total number of notebooks = 240 

Half of it were sold. 

So half of it is left.

 Half of 240=120

2)Ramu bought brinjal for 545 rupees and lady's finger for 232 rupees. He sold the brinjal for 637 rupees and the lady's finger of 365 rupees. Find the profit from each sale. What was the total profit? 

Profit on selling the

 brinjal = 637-545 = 92 Rs

Profit on selling the lady's finger = 365-232= 133 Rs

Total profit = 92 +133=225 Rs

3)Ammu bought some household things from Babu store for 903 rupees. Anu bought the same things from Maveli Store for 784 rupees. Which is the best purchase? By how much?

The best purchase is that from Maveli store, because the price is less there. 

Gain on purchase from Maveli store=903-784=119 RS

4)PTA bought 8400 laddus for the In dependence Day celebrations. The number of students in the first stan dard is 89, second standard 93, third standard 87, fourth standard 98 and in the fifth standard 102. If one laddu is given to each student, find the number of laddus left. Find the num ber of laddus needed more to distrib ute two laddus each two every student. 

Total no.of students=89+93+ 87 +98 + 102 = 469

 No.of laddus bought = 840

 No. of laddus left if given one each = 840-469 = 371

 No. of laddus needed to give two each=469 +469=938

More laddus needed=

938-840 = 98

5)In a UP School, the number of students in the LP section is 292 and 345 in the UP section. Among them 349 are boys. Find the number of girls in the school. Who are more in number, boys or girls? By how much?

Total no.of students = 292 + 345=637 

No of boys = 349 

No. of girls = 637-349 = 288

 Boys are more in number.

 No.of more boys = 

              349 - 288 = 61

840-518 =322
840-695 =145
840-378 =462
785-378 = 407
695-518 =117
695-378 =317
518-378 = 140
435-378 = 57

Manian rat can escape through the number 322 on the well

By finding the answers to the questions on the keys we can find the locks

699-398 = 301



Find the locks by doing the sums on the keys





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