Std 4 EVS SCERT [Lesson 4 Wonder world of Birds



1.write a short note 

about sparrow

*Sparrow is a very 

small and beautiful 

bird. It found 

throughout the 

continet of Asia and 

Europe. The sparrow

 is found in white 

and light brown 

colour. Its beak is 



felling of trees is 

taking place, air 

pollution, the waves 

emanating from the 

mobile tower,... are 

reasons for the 

decrease in number 

of sparrows.Sparrow

 day is observed 

every year on the 

20march. The 

purpose of 

celebrating of this 

day is to the increase

 the awareness of the

 sparrow in 

maximum and save 


2. On which day we 

celebrate World 

Sparrow day?

*March 20th

3. Definition of Birds

 of Prey

*A bird, such as 

eagle , valture, that 

kills and eats small 

birds and animals

4. Example of 

preying birds

*owl, vulture, eagle,


5.What are the 

physical features of 

preying birds?

*Strong sharp 

hooked beak

*sharp strong claws

*sharp vision

*strong body

*can fly high up in 

the sky.

6. Rear Birds


7. Why do we rear 

birds in our homes?

*for fancy

*for egg

*for entertainment

* for meat

* for manure

*To earn money

8. Classify the rear 

birds with their uses

9. Bird Sanctuaries 

in Kerala

10. write the 

importance of bird 


*To protect birds 

and their species

*It provide natural 

facilities for birds

*It promotes the 

survival and 

rehabiliation of 


11. Bird man of India

*Dr. Salim Ali

12. National bird 

watching day?

*November 12

13.whoes birthday is 

celebrated as 

National bird 

watching day?

*Dr. Salim Ali

14. Salim Ali Bird 

Sanctuary is 

commonly known 

as -----

*Thattekkad Bird 

Sanctuary [1983]

15. Largest bird 

sanctuary in Kerala


16. Autobiography of
Salim Ali?

*Fall of a Sparrow

17. Smallest bird 

sanctuary in Kerala


18. Famous 

Ornithologist in 




[K K Neelakandan ]

19. -------- Sanctuary 

dedicated to the 

memory of K K 



peafowl Sanctuary



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