
Showing posts from May, 2021

Std 4 EVS SCERT [ Filed and forest]

Lesson 1  Field and Forest 1. What is  adaptation? *An organism has  certain    peculiarities that  help it to live in its  dwelling place. This  is called adaptation. 2. Adaptation of a  fish *boat shaped body  [ enables the fish to  move through  water] *fins and tails [help  the fish to swim in  water] *gills [help to  breathe ] *slimy body [help  the fish to escape  from enemies] 3. Adaptation of a  tortoise *slimy body *oar like legs *webbed feet *thick and strong  outer shell *limbs help to move  on land 4. Adaptation of a  frog *slimy body *oar like legs *webbed feet *bulging eyes *long and strong  legs *help to breathe skin  and nostrills 5. Adaptation of a  duck *Oily feathers *webbed feet * flat beaks 6. Adaptation of a  crocodile *long tail *suitable body shape *slimy body and sharp teeth * legs suited to walk on land 7. Adaptation of strock  ...


std 3 Maths SCERT [Lesson 7 In Rows and Columns ]

Std 3 SCERT Maths [Lesson9Equal shares]

EVS , Std 4 Lesson 3 [The Road To Independence]

Std 4 EVS [Lesson 4 wonder world of birds]

Std 3 English SCERT Lesson 5 The Little Clay Hut

std 4 SCERT EVS [Lesson8 Reading and Drawing Maps]

std 3SCERT Maths [lesson 10 Measuring weights]

Std 4 SCERT EVS [Lesson11 Care for friends]

std 3 Maths SCERT [Lesson 8 Measure and Tell]